The Mississippi Health Ambassador Initiative

The Mississippi Health Ambassador Initiative

With the guidance of the Mississippi State Department of Health, PHM facilitates discussions between Dr. Thomas Dobbs, our previous state health officer, and 150 public health-conscious Mississippians. This initiative, which began in September 2021, has conducted a monthly call between Dr. Dobbs and the ambassadors covering health topics that are often insightful and pertinent to the current state of wellness in Mississippi. Our Mississippi Health Ambassadors are encouraged to help promote public health initiatives and dispel public health myths by serving as mouthpieces for disseminating important public health information. 

Here’s a brief snapshot of our work since January. 

January Topics: 

  • Covid Update with an Omicron emphasis and other health various health topics
  • Opioid/Drug Overdoses in Mississippi presented by guest speaker Daniel Edney, MD, Chief Medical Officer for the Central Region, MSDH Health Officer

February Topics: 

  • Covid Update
  • MSDH’s role in the Medical Marijuana Program

March Topics: 

  • Covid Update
  • Diabetes and Overweight in Mississippi

April Topics:

  • Covid Update
  • HPV, Cervical/Head and Neck Cancer

As we continue our discussions, we look forward to seeing how our MHAI ambassadors will utilize the information to effect change within their communities.